In view of his completely unacceptable remarks of Monday, I’ve scheduled Marumaru to undergo sensitivity training. Then the Bratessor did some research and found out there’s even something called hypersensitivity training, which obviously must been even more effective. So I put him in charge, which was definitely a completely rational and responsible decision which could not possibly bite me in the ass in any way. Unlike all of my other decision.
After some additional research the Bratessor requested an assistant, though, feeling he was a bit too young to be involved in the proceedings in person. At first I thought this might be the opportunity for a Baymax cameo, since he’s a personal healthcare assistant…but Baymax wasn’t punchy enough, apparently, so I combined him with a different robot from a Disney movie to create Baymaximillian. Baymaximillian is a personal healthcare assistant who will only turn off when you say you’re satisfied with your care, or are reduced to chunks of two cubic inches or less. Whatever happens sooner, or perhaps whatever he feels more like at any given moment.
Leaving his assistant to his gruesome task, the Bratessor steps out to enjoy a chocolate cigarette, which seems a reasonable compromise between the traditional and the appropriate.
More on Monday.
I don’t care how old Bratessor Jimmy-kun is, he is not in position to discipline his sensei, because the act of it would be a violation of discipline in the first place.
Yeah, letting the Bratessor do this in person would have been more inappropriate than Marumaru’s original remark…and then somebody would have needed to get disciplined for that, and then something else might go wrong, and so on. A robot is a so much safer choice when it comes to thing like this. XD
I volunteer to be the test model for anything involving feathers!
That being said, “sensitivity training” in the workplace is more like the Communist “struggle sessions” in my experience. One is forced to forego reality in favor of the narrative and treated harshly until one repeats the falsehoods.
Careful what you wish for. XD
And yeah, there is a growing body of evidence that sensitivity training might actually entrench prejudiced ideas, rather than weaken them… some DEI-focused charities had started recommending against it even before Trump II, suggesting other methods work better against prejudice. Not that that’s any issue in the US anymore, where the current administration seems intent on strengthening prejudice, anyway…