The horror. The horror. – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 25

So here everyone does their best to push the plot from the start line towards the premise…which isn’t how this is supposed to work from the get-go, but frequently does.

Mopey formulates the obvious task and Biff celebrates the retention of his glasses by being analytical and actually pretty helpful in an entirely non-ironic fashion. The Professor backs him up and ends with an elegant flourish: trailing off just at the moment he was to say something pretty significant…

With everyone being so rational about it all, it falls to Snuka to pick up the idiot ball and jump to the conclusion that they have to enroll in high-school. Which is very much the conclusion the plot requires (especially since this is a flashback), but hard to explain in any sort of sensible manner… and Snuka takes the easy way out, convincing the others by way of reference to the obvious needs of the plot. Kind of a wimp-out, but any sort of reasoning he could have come up with while staying within the confines of the fictional universe would have had to be some mind-bendingly stupid that I think everyone is much better off by not having heard it.

More on Monday.