Yeah, the distance between Snuka’s bento-box and his mouth is less than a foot, but for the purposes of his seafood having a chance of making it across unintercepted, it might as well be a mile. K’ip needs less than two inches to strike…and Snuka has too much dignity to eat directly out of the box like a pig. I mean, he actually has little dignity, since the universe constantly conspires to deprive him of it…but what he has left of it is all the dearer to him for that.
Beyond stressing the fact that K’ip can go from sleeping innocent to woke menace in fractions of a second (like any feline), this strip also serves to introduce Biff and Gregory in their current…uh, condition. While Biff does look different, the most important thing hasn’t changed: he’s still wearing glasses, so we can assume that his intellectual capacity remains undiminished. Which is good for him, especially since his current body wouldn’t even allow him to easily fill the position of a jock, had he been forced back into it.
And of course there’s nothing that would suggest any drastic change with Gregory’s character – while his hair looked good on him in many people’s opinion, it was never really central to his personality. This is not intended as a set-up for some sort of face/heel-turn, by the way: his loss of hair was not caused by Superman, and he won’t turn into a criminal super-genius to get his revenge (in incredibly complicated and tangential ways)*. He probably just felt that it’s more convenient in the Tokyo…uh, I mean Lillytown summer heat…
More on Thursday.
*Although I guess that’s no longer the official origin story of the current iteration of Lex Luthor…but I won’t let them gaslight me into believing it never was…