*cough, cough* – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 42

Yeah, the Professor is a bit frustrated…it’s the start of a new World War, and his side’s secret weapon has a pretty significant defect. Just like the last two times. It’s like that always has to happen, and you always have to start that sort of conflict off on the wrong foot.

Gregory was just a little bit too optimistic, there – he failed to fully grasp that Biff currently occupies a completely different character slot within the team structure. He might still have some residual knowledge, born from experience, of athletic activity, but he currently simply isn’t the kind of character to make much use of it. As should have been obvious from his appearance – after all, what good is muscle memory if you don’t have the muscles to run with it?

To hammer the point home, Biff’s current character slot comes with asthma attached, which used to be the go-to condition for partially disabling this sort of character in the eighties, and still serves that role today from time to time. One of the advantages of that particular condition, in writing terms, is that you can have it affect the character when it suits you and ignore it when it doesn’t, since the audience won’t really be capable to keep track of it.

By the way, Biff is probably also allergic to peanuts in his current form – because that was, for some reason, also a go-to condition for this character type in the eighties. XD

More on Thursday.

4 Replies to “*cough, cough* – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 42”

  1. Not surprising, since iirc you mentioned Biff having both brains and brawn tripped you up last movie. Still while being a preteen barbarian has the Professor have an advantage in the strength category, they are still short in the athletics department, unless Gregory has a hidden past as a Jock he’s not bringing up so Mopey doesn’t degrade their relationship further

    1. It’s funny to think that Gregory might have something in his past that he’s more embarrassed about than having been a brain-eating zombie. Although it would kinda make sense if measured on Mopey’s scale, since she might rate jocks quite a bit lower than brain-eating zombies, in spite of all of the similarities she perceives between the two groups. XD

  2. The solution is obvious: Remove the glasses.

    By all laws of movie, Biff will immediately revert to being incredibly good at sports, and incredibly stupid.

    1. That is indeed the obvious solution, but Biff is very much on record as not wanting to give up his glasses and return to his former (lack of) personality – cf. his concern for his glasses after the transformation. The others would not ruthlessly disregard his wishes in that matter…
      …with the only potential exemption being Mopey, of course. XD

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