OK, at first let’s discuss this strip only up to and including panel five. >_>
Rapey is a good doggo! As expected of him, he’s lead the duo to a highly suspect building, which indeed turns out to be the place where Snuka is being held. Urban Planning is clearly deserving a large part of the blame. Really, leaving buildings like that one standing basically invites all kind of criminal activity. The place seems so eminently suitable for crimes of any kind, its mere presence could lead even an altar boy into temptation…even if he’d only use it to look at naughty websites on his mobile.
Inside the crime den, Snuka can be clearly made out – obviously tied up and apparently abandoned. Which seems even more suspect than the building itself, making the Bratessor’s remark in panel five perfectly appropriate. And deserving of the blessing of St. Ackbar*, which it immediately receives.
Marumaru’s remarks, on the other hand, are everything but appropriate. My heartfelt apologies for his behaviour. And while I’m not trying to defend him, please keep in mind he’s from the Bakumatsu era and has been asleep or intoxicated for large parts of the intervening time. Don’t worry, I won’t let him get away with this.
More on Thursday.
*Since they killed him off without any good reason, I took the liberty to canonize him. You’re welcome.