Every Japanese high school holds precisely seven mysteries. Or at least every fictional Japanese high school does, which is what’s relevant for our purposes.
To give Mopey a bit of a head start for her haunted house, I’ve determined that Yuri Shinkai Gakuen has an older, abandoned wing of the building where the haunted house can be, and assigned the maximum number of five mysteries to it. It couldn’t be more than five, since one mystery has to be in the basement by tradition. And one, the toilet ghost, has to be in a bathroom, usually on the third floor.
Speaking of a head start for the haunted house, I don’t know where K’ip had his head when he stuffed that head into his inventory and forgot about it. But he couldn’t have found a better moment to remember it, since it definitely is a great mood-setter for the approach to the haunted house – it properly prepares visitors for an extended period of time of struggling with bladder control. Which is a particularly pronounced struggle since the closest bathroom is the one with the toilet ghost in it.
And, yeah…unlimited inventory space does invite abuse. Somebody going dungeon-crawling in a suit of plate armor is actually pretty unrealistic to begin with, but somebody going dungeon-crawling in a suit of plate armor while carrying several extra suits of plate armor in their backpack, along with 12 swords and 7 pole-arms, adds another level. Especially if there’s also a long ladder and a small boat in there. And carrying the remains of slain enemies in your backpack is not just unrealistic, it’s also kinda gauche – and problematic from the viewpoint of hygiene. And, YET…personally I much prefer unlimited inventory space in an RPG, realism be damned. Inventory management is just such a drag…
More on Thursday.