As I had expected, K’ip is able to switch between the two different sides of feline nature quickly and smoothly when required. Which was not difficult to predict, since basically any cat is. From content furball to claw-spiked rageball and back in 0 seconds or less. The only difference being a nine-tailed fox makes is a slight increase in the terror level caused by the angry mode, compared to a normal house cat.
So, yeah, seems the haunted house is really coming along nicely. It’s shaping up to be a truly memorable experience for anybody who’s going to visit.
Marumaru’s only problem, at the moment, is that he’s not got a good pic to use on the posters that are supposed to advertise the haunted house. He’d need one that spells ‘terror’ in roughly 24 pts font…but Mopey’s pic spells it in 128 pts, K’ip in furball mode doesn’t spell it at all, and K’ip in rageball mode spells it in…uh, not sure, but rougly the same fontsize like that hillside Hollywood logo in L.A.
Clipart to the rescue, as so often. I’m sure Marumaru won’t have any problem finding something that fits the haunted house theme. Rescuing his hairdo will be harder (but at least it’s already back to its original color), and there’s likely no rescue for his cellphone…
More on Monday.