“Show, don’t tell.” is a good principle in general when it comes to visual media.* And as prone as Mopey is to providing exposition in large blocks of text, she is aware of it – and demonstrates its efficacy (instead of talking about it) here.
Seems that Marumaru received a report of good progress on the maid cafe project just a short while ago, but it was likely a verbal report. Mopey also has a report of good progress to deliver for the haunted house project – but she demonstrates, instead of just informing. Compare Marumaru’s appearance it the first and last panels to see how much more effective that was!
And keep it in mind for the next presentation you have to give. Just telling the CEO that cash-burn is too high might work, but imagine how much clearer the message will be if you actually burn a large pile of cash in the conference room.
Aside from that, Mopey’s sticking with the classics for her haunted house…since K’ip is already something kind of like a fox, upping the number of his tails from nine to one will turn him into a powerful and terrifying yokai. Assuming he manages to get a slightly less friendly expression going, but that will likely not be a problem. He might also consider adding “ttebayo” to his sentences to imply he’s one specific kind of nine-tailed fox, although I’m not sure whether that would make him more or less terrifying.
But Mopey hasn’t only modified K’ip’s backside, she’s also leveled up her own – replacing her legs with an old TV set makes perfectly clear what kind of terrifying yokai she is. And Ringu’s pop-cultural clout is probably still significant enough to overcome the issue with the current generation of students no longer knowing that a TV set used to look like that, or what a VHS tape even is…
More on Thursday.
* And I’m quite aware of that. So, in the many cases where I don’t live up to it myself, it’s an issue of incapability, not ignorance. Not that that makes it much better…