Happy with the way the uniform thing worked out, Marumaru moves on boldly to tackle the next item of the list. Which, frankly, could be easily tackled the same way as the uniform challenge: by using the vast amount of cash Snuka bilked his investors for…but that would simply too simple. And repetitive. A new challenge demands new methods, as a matter of principle, not pragmatism.
But his train of thought has hardly left the station when Mopey arrives at a good guess regarding it’s final destination. And she’s not far off. And not pleased, either. In fact, she objects strenuously to the, very predictable and stereotypical, idea to use a maid cafe to lure in potential recruits for the cricket team. No amount of pointing out just how time-honored and popular that trope is will sway her…
…and that’s not even necessary, since Marumaru’s plans are slightly different. Yes, his plans involve a maid cafe, as they practically must do. But he adds another staple cultural-festival-sub-trope: the haunted house. Aside from covering more ground in terms of potential recruits, that double-whammy-strategy also allows him to side-step the issue of sexism. If the people wearing the mini-skirts in the maid cafe are guys, it’s comedy, not exploitation.
And assigning Mopey to the haunted house isn’t misogynistic, either – assuming she gets to wear a monster disguise. If Marumaru intends her to staff the haunted house in her normal outfit, it might be. “Visit the Haunted House – Be terrified by ghosts, zombies and girls!” would have a certain misogynistic subtext, I guess. But for the time being I’ll assume there will be a disguise.
I haven’t really shown Mopey’s reaction to this development, but I doubt it would have been necessary. It’s Mopey…so it’s an absolute given that there would be less than zero objections to the idea of a haunted house instead of a maid cafe. And thus, the reaction of the guys to all of this was simply worthier of a reaction shot…
More on Thursday.