A lot of progress today. First Marumaru kinda does his job…which is actually more than you’d expect him to be capable of. And then Snuka does a job…which turns out to be something you wouldn’t expect any living being to be capable of. Building a sports field, stadium, and environs in a single afternoon. Without any machinery, and likely with only improvised building materials.
Admittedly, it got him close to losing the ‘living being’ status. But his friends jumped in to help and prevent his soul from getting away…a good thing, for as Mopey points out, it’s likely that no kind of resurrection magic or anything similar would work on Snuka. His soul is likely to feel so liberated leaving behind the kind of life Snuka has had up to now, it would be incredibly difficult to convince it to return to his body if it ever managed to get more than a few feet away from it.
Fortunately, in manga/anime at the more comedic end of the spectrum, it’s allowable to have other characters perceive the departing soul and physically grab hold of it, and apparently Mopey and Biff knew that. Goes to show how much manga/anime they’ve probably been consuming in secret. A fine pair of nerds, they are.
And while it’s nice that they helped Snuka hanging on to existence, one might still ask why they apparently offered no help during the building process itself. Of course it’s possible that Snuka’s working pace was just too superhuman to allow any mere mortals to jump in.
At least Snuka’s unescaped soul gets a bit of balm in the form of praise for the results of Snuka’s Herculean labor. Everyone agrees that it’s a fantastic piece of work, looking exactly like the plan, including even the illustrative buildings around it. And looking very solid and robust, too, not betraying any weakness from the improvised building materials. And yet…and yet…somehow something seems a bit off…
Try to spot it before Thursday.