As usual, the Halloween special is shaped by the context in which it happened to fall within the chapter – since it happened to fall right after the episode in which DM shows up in a pirate costume, and with a sufficient number of missing limbs to count as a horror trope, sending him trick-or-treating seemed like a very obvious choice, especially since he’s the right size to pass for a costumed child.
And since he’s clearly currently in some ill-defined place far removed from the plot action, there’s no problem with keeping this strip officially part of the plot – since it doesn’t affect anything outside of itself.
In the same vein, the kids are just random kids and have no further bearing on the plot. They’re really just there to set up the frame for DM’s appearance…and for a cameo by Chilchuck Tims, who is not averse to having a good time but still feels responsible for defending the dignity of half-foots. And personally I don’t have the slightest issue with hobbit costumes – in fact, I think they work better on young trick-or-treaters than many others, because the scale is more accurate. =P I just felt it would have been a waste to have a Chilchuck cameo without him disapproving of something, since that’s his signature move. XD
Have a great day and stay safe!
More on Monday.