The Mascot has Landed – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 50

Yeah, they seem to have chosen poorly when it came to the name, as obvious as the choice might have been. Perhaps they should have started an internet poll, but then they would likely have ended up with “Rapey McRaptorface”.

But the problematic naming aside, Operation “Mascot Search” seems to have been a resounding success overall, with the team’s new pet being an instant hit with everyone at the school. Helped by a mode of depiction that is somewhat flattering – especially the eyes being large and friendly on the poster, rather than beady and angry as on the original, adds considerably to the audience appeal, as do the exaggerated proportions.

Snuka, for his part, does not feel that Rapey would be more appealing with a larger head, though, since he strongly feels that its toothy maw is large and ravenous enough as it is. Although, with a larger head it might be able to swallow him whole, saving him the pain of getting chewed up. Well, for the time being Snuka is content* with evading the whole experience by employing Sena’s super-helpful running away tricks.

Hiruma-san has something of a point, though…the running routine probably helps keeping Rapey entertained and healthy, and Snuka’s improved running ability is probably going to be really helpful during World War Death. I mean, are there running backs in cricket? Well, I know nothing about cricket, but it’s supposed to be a sport so having somebody on the team who runs really fast is probably going to be useful somehow, somewhere along the way.

More on Thursday.

* I mean, more like “content within the confines of being super unhappy with the whole situation”