Disaster! It’s all even worse than first anticipated! Not only will our friends have to take part in something called “World War Death”, the will have to take part in it while playing, of all things, cricket. Cricket!
For reasonable, normal people, ‘cricket’ is nothing more than the sound you hear when nobody is saying anything. But there is a second, hidden, sinister meaning to the word, in which it refers to a particularly perverted form of sportsball. Even today, that type of ‘cricket’ is actively engaged in by some people in some places. And others watch, unashamed. Humanity has such a long way to go, still.
In spite of his extensive experience with saner forms of sportsball, Biff has never had anything to do with cricket, and thus approaches the task of learning its rules with a complete lack of panic and dismay…after all, he’s learned the rules of those others sports back when he was much less intelligent than today, so how hard can it be? How little did he know. How little did he know.
And how little does he know, regarding the rules of cricket, even after having tried his best to learn them. Let’s face it, this isn’t going to be easy for anyone.
More on Monday.