OMG! That’s a shocking twist nobody could possibly have seen coming – Biff baked all of the cake for the maid cafe!
He sure never seemed destined for a career as a pastry chef in his football/hockey playing days. But I guess between becoming smarter and younger since then, the breadth of his interests has increased considerably…perhaps younger Biff just applied his new found love of academics to the home economics class, and made all of that cake by the book. Whatever the background may be, Biff’s cakes are clearly popular and contributing to the success of the maid cafe…although the Bratessor is likely correct in attributing the successful recruitment of Hiroki to other factors.
Speaking of the Bratessor, he seems buoyed by the success, or just the general excitement of the cultural festival. Following the best tradition of the Russian army, he delivers a glowing after-action report focusing heavily on the moderate achievements…and mentioning the losses only casually and at the very end. It seems he’s also trying to compensate for that concerning worldliness slide-back he recently noticed about himself…after overlooking the role of physical attraction in that earlier incident, he now seems to be somewhat over-focused on the role bodily allure may play in proceedings. He’s still smart enough not to follow up the issue with Mopey, however, whose reaction to the idea she might be physically attracted to someone, or someone to her, would probably be violent…in spite of all of the evidence that has accumulated over the years.
Oh, and Snuka has been kidnapped. Bummer.
More on Thursday.