Oh, well. It seems that the Bratessor ultimately went for scientific rigor after all. Perhaps not too surprising, given he gets complete dedication to science from his ‘essor’ side, and an underdeveloped sense of empathy from the ‘brat’ side.
Unfortunately, the scientific rigor has ultimately lead to rigor mortis. That has happened a lot of times in real-life history, but it doesn’t happen to often to a main character in a work of fiction.
Now the Bratessor will have to deal with the fact that he’s killed his friend. And at his current age, something like that can really hurt…he’ll probably not be able to distract himself from his pain for several minutes. Mercifully, Snuka has left him the perfect distraction behind: a final wish that’s highly unusual, but still probably relatively easy to fulfill for a man…uh, boy…of Jimmy-kun’s stature. Making a camenbert-based drone involves some challenges, but nothing fundamentally insurmountable.
Tactical analysis: reconnaissance around the object was completely successful, but has destroyed the objective. We’ll talk more about the Vietnam war when Mopey has the relevant flashback.
But, yeah… the reconnaissance mission has found no enemy presence, and if they hadn’t done the reconnaissance they could have rescued Snuka without any problems. Let me stress that this is a rare case, but: just rushing in would have worked way better. Where’s oldstyle!Biff when you need him?
More on Monday.