While Gregory is pondering names for his potential love-child with Mori-Senpai, Mopey has rejoined her besties for some legendary melon-pan. She’s still in a situation somewhat similar to Gregory’s in so far as she seems unable to fully enjoy her snack due to being preoccupied with Mori-senpai (by way of worrying about Gregory).
Unfortunately for her, her besties notice that condition – they can be quite perceptive, it seems, as long as it results in some sort of embarrassment for Mopey. And it does in this case, since she carelessly reveals that she’s worried about a guy – which sends her BFFs also starting to ponder names for a potential love-child, since that’s what BFFs do.
And here Mopey runs into an issue with her memory – due to having become younger, she is no longer allowed to remember the specifics of what she might or might not have done with Gregory back when they were older, and in a relationship/situationship. It wouldn’t do to let younger!Mopey probe the depth of older!Mopey’s depravity. She’ll descend there in due time.
Due to the fuzziness of her memories, Mopey isn’t able to say whether she’s in a relationship/situationship with Gregory right now, nor how far that might have extended in the past. Under pressure, she decides to throw out some random fact to get her BFFs off her trail for the moment.
And promptly gets a 1 on her distraction roll. Sorry, Mopey, but the random fact you picked there is definitely not one that won’t shock your friends…and I wouldn’t be too optimistic about not getting teased mercilessly, either. >_>
More on Monday.