Even Triggerered! – Chapter 9, Prologue, Strip 7

OK, just forget everything I wrote on Monday, I was just being behind the times again it seems.

Phygital is the new trend, or a new word for an old trend, so now it’s actually OK again to launch a momentous experiment with a mouse-click, provided you have some old-fashioned analog or physical elements in the same loop. Every day, in every way, our lives are getting better and better. *Dreyfus-tic*

More on Monday.

2 Replies to “Even Triggerered! – Chapter 9, Prologue, Strip 7”

    1. And to drag out her happiness, she made sure she had a lot of triggering to do…

      Hard to blame her, though – pushing the button that sets off an experiment that took a long time to design and prepare is a moment that lies somewhere on the heady-to-giddy-scale for everyone. XD

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