Ira furor brevis est, as I think I’ve pointed out before – and that’s a very good thing in this case, because there was only a very small window of time for Mopey’s anger to flare before her brain caught up and reminded her of the reality between the events which Gregory had misrepresented so cleverly. And yet that small window of time was sufficient to spell doom to a wide swath of local vegetation.
And without leaving everything smelling of cat’s piss, which would have been a consequence of Kippu-kun’s suggested solution. And without taking anything near the eternity which Biff’s apparent approach would have taken.
The Bratessor, somewhat uncharacteristically, didn’t offer any suggestion at all…he’s probably still feeling he shouldn’t waste his second shot at adolescence with being mature beyond his years too frequently. His age is the perfect excuse not to offer anything productive and just relax and complain instead – the first time around he didn’t make nearly enough use of this rare and short-lived privilege, and he’s just taking his dues here.
Too bad Snuka didn’t get the opportunity to come up with an idea, though. His potential approach would probably have taken a little longer than Gregory’s, but somehow made him a fortune in the trade of illegally harvested timber, a field of crime he hasn’t yet had the chance to be much active in.
Anyway, the dense patch of jungle that stood in the way of the plot stands no more…which is probably not an ideal outcome in view of the climate crisis, but does help the plot along. And Gregory has proven himself master of the newest official domain of warfare, the information domain. Too bad there doesn’t yet seem to be any medals one could receive for victories achieved in that particular domain. Despite the fact that that would be so easy: they would only need to drop the “F” from the “Distinguished Flying Cross”.
More on Thursday.