Mind the Glasses! – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 44

Well, “romance in the school nurse’s office” is an obligatory feature of any plot set in a Japanadaese high school, so it was the obvious way to deal with the high level of psychological and moderate-to-high level of physical distress Biff was in after having tried to wrap his mind around the rules of cricket.

The stereotypes associated with this special room do not only hold that it is a perfect place for entering the springtime of your youth, they also hold that its restorative powers are nearly miraculous – so no matter how badly his wind was warped (wrapped) and his body affected by his dive into the madness, an indeterminate amount of time spent resting comfortably on a bed in the school nurse’s office has completely restored him.

Mopey seems to be keenly aware of all of the stereotypes involved here…which, in itself, is a clear sign of the fact that she isn’t entirely herself at the moment, or at least not the herself she used to be. Another clear sign – clear enough to be obvious to the Professor, for example – is the fact that she jumps at the opportunity to interfere in the course of potential romance to make the result fit a pattern she finds suitable.

Although I admit she might be acting defensively here – perhaps she is simply worried that if she doesn’t make an effort to exert some control on the process, they could be faced with unplanned and uncontrolled romance between the stricken Biff and whoever happens to stumble into that room by random chance. And nobody needs the complications possibly arising from that, especially if they have World War Death to worry about…

More on Thursday.

4 Replies to “Mind the Glasses! – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 44”

  1. Ok. I’m guessing Mopey’s angle here is more tactical in nature than anything else.

    Given the inspiration for this movie seems to be pretty strongly school anime-ish, it’s pretty likely that there’s going to be a romantic subplot with over-the-top shenanigans, it tends to be the two characters who fight the most and are also opposite gendered, and Mopey just has no time for that nonsense.

    1. Which would be a valid and clever tactical move, and thus something you could definitely expect from Mopey in general…although that leaves the question whether you could expect that level of shrewdness from Mopey in her current form…

      But it works either way, anyway. One of the staples of school anime are girls who would rather watch romance bloom than getting into it themselves – so even absent tactical considerations, Mopey could take the “better him than me” tack simply to conform to that stereotype. XD

  2. I can see Mopey either using this to distract one of her new ‘friends’ or actually trying to get Biff to take his glasses off in the hopes of his jock nature returning and giving them an edge

    1. It’s hard to rule out ulterior motives, when it comes to Mopey…and it’s even harder when several potential motives, some ulterior and some obvious, all point into the same direction. I’m just gonna leave myself a bit of leeway here. XD

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