No Good Deed Unpunished… – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 47

Oh, Snuka…will you never learn? Or rather, will plot convenience force you to forget anything you might have learned over and over again? An idiot ball is such a sublime burden.

He was trying to be helpful. Helpful! What was he thinking? Well, obviously he was thinking that there was a non-trivial chance the whole issue might go down without him putting his body on the line as life-bait in a sewer fishing expedition. Which, we can probably agree, is a shockingly naive belief for somebody who has been hanging with that crew for so long.

Reporting on an unidentified life-form in the sewers was simply absolutely bound to trigger the scientific research impulse in the Professor and Mopey. It’s a major character trait for both of them, they simply can’t help it.*

And given the past experiences the team has had with sewers, and how those have never been pleasant, it was obvious that they would chose a minimally invasive way to investigate the sewers. Drawing from an analogy with fishing, they quickly settled on a way that would require only one member of the team to be in a sort of danger or discomfort.

And, yeah…once it gets to the point where only one member of the team has to suffer pain or humiliation, there’s practically no question who that would end up being. It’s always Snuka, of course.

So, yeah, Snuka brought this onto himself, but he had good intentions! Appropriately so, since the road to his personal hell is paved with good intentions, just like the road to any other kind of hell.

More on Monday.

* Unless the plot absolutely requires them to, of course.

3 Replies to “No Good Deed Unpunished… – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 47”

  1. You know this kind of reminds me of something I was wondering the whole last movie. Who is currently Snuka’s legal guardian? I know after the first movie it was Professor Doctor (Snuka’s name afterwards referred to as Snuka Doctor showing there was some kind of adoption) but after Professor Doctor decided to stay behind in the other world enjoying his second youth, who was in charge of looking after Snuka? (I refuse to believe it was no one.With Biff’s newfound intelligence no one is dumb enough to leave Snuka unobserved for that long)

    1. Your really got me there…I have to admit that I didn’t give that question any thought, but you’re of course perfectly right that it would have deserved some.

      I just assumed that responsibility for Snuka would pass from the Professor to Mopey along with the academic title and team leadership claim. But I guess it doesn’t really work that way with guardianship. OK, let me throw together some sort of canonical explanation: After returning from Egypt, long ago, the Professor saw the huge mountains of paperwork he would have to deal with in order to bring Snuka back home legally and become his official guardian. Always creative when it comes to making his way across fields of red tape, he decided to instead register Snuka as a piece of lab equipment: “assistant and test subject, sentient, mobile”. That way, responsibility for Snuka passed from the Professor to Mopey along with everything else in the lab…and she ignored that responsibility even harder than he did, because, let’s face it, neither of those two is really suited to parenthood in any way, shape or form.

      As you pointed out, the complete lack of parental oversight would be partly made up for by the fact that everyone around Snuka tends to develop a habit to eye him suspiciously at all times, with good cause. XD

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