The Journey, Part I – Chapter 9, Prologue, Strip 20

Given that last Thursday’s strip ended in a cliffhanger caused by/connected to Snuka being so much in shock that his eyes were visible… …it naturally behooves today’s strip to deal with some marginal issue first. Priorities are priorities. And that goes double for skewed priorities.

The marginal issue of the day is the further career…or, better, further careening of R2, the astromech droid with a wealth of experience in getting stuck in places he’d rather not be in without any fault of his own.

The list of places in question has contained the entry “Imperial Star Destroyer” several times before, but this is the first time he visits without his friends. Or even a spaceship. The Imperial officer has every reason to be confused by this lack of context. R2 himself sure is.

But it’s only confusing and disturbing for R2 – for the Star Destroyer, it’s fatal. These ships do seem to be unusually fragile for ships of such size and apparent cost…

More on Thursday.