Priorities and Perspectives – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 22

So here are the reactions of the other team members to their rejuvenation – and as you would expect, they are both a lot more sanguine about it than Mopey.

In Biff’s case, it’s just a matter of priorities. Before considering the small stuff, he assesses the impact on his top ten priorities, nine of which are his glasses – on which his intellectual capabilities rest, after all. So his shock at being young again is tempered by relief at not being dumb again. That would be a major nightmare for smart!Biff, of course…possibly not realizing that dumb!Biff could deal with it perfectly well, just as he always had been able to. But, anyway, that twist is averted. Biff is physically much reduced, but intellectually stable.

And Gregory…well, I wouldn’t say he’s not shocked, but his whole life…and after-life…and after-after-life…and then new life…has been marked by fate lobbing curveballs at him, so this new twist isn’t anywhere near unprecedented. Being a bit younger and balder isn’t quite as drastic as getting run over by a car (off-screen) and getting switched to a cerebro-based diet. The hairdo is quite a change, of course…but it’s going to be a hot summer, so it’s likely he’ll grow to appreciate the practical side of it soon enough.

Mopey is still feeling a bit under the weather…or under the merciless mocking of a non-caring universe. The Professor is right to contextualize that a bit, but he’s also right to qualify that in turn. She’s definitely the worst affected team member.

Snuka, naturally, is the least affected one. His age hasn’t changed, his age-gap with the others has been reduced…and the only visible ill effect is that the writing on his t-shirt is mirrored. Which I will readily admit to not have done on purpose… >_>

More on Thursday.

2 Replies to “Priorities and Perspectives – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 22”

  1. The T-Shirt mirroring is still a treat because I can’t find where previously this “image” of Snuka exists meaning this isn’t even a time-saving editing error, just a regular editing error.

    Also ya, based on the hair I originally thought Biff was Gregory (albeit touched up just due to how old that movie was) at first glance. Gregory’s constant face obstruction preventing from thoroughly determining if he originally had glasses or not back then.

    1. Those mirroring error happen to me every now and then, and it’s not really about recycling stuff or saving time – but when I draw, I regularly flip the canvas horizontally, which help me with spotting potential skewing in my drawing. And sometimes, I forget to flip it back to the original orientation before putting text in, and then the text ends up mirrored in the finished drawing. ^_^;

      And, yeah, removing Gregory’s hair will giving Biff some extra kinda invites confusion…but I really felt like redesigning them that way, and hope that people will get used to it after a while.

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