For a date between two romantically totally inept characters, this spontaneous date is going surprisingly well. Mopey and Usazawa have clearly established an amount of rapport and are able to maintain small talk in spite of the romantic weight of the situation.
Although the talk is only small in terms of romance – in terms of the plot, it’s actually quite large talk: dealing with the issues of joining the cricket club and taking part in World War Death. And, remarkably, Usazawa seems to be open to the idea despite Mopey being basically honest in her explanations. Usazawa’s fit with the plot is even better than his romantic fit with Mopey! And similarly unfounded… >_> I claim partial justification, though, in the fact that Mopey makes cricket sound horrible and the situation hopeless…and Usazawa being the kind of character constitutionally drawn to darkness and drama. Plus, there’s the fact he might be enjoying the thought of being in the same club as Mopey…
While all of this is going on, Mopey’s besties have obviously become aware of the situation – I’ll leave it open whether they were simply looking for Mopey in general, or have some kind of seventh sense for their bestie being in a romantic situation. But they have made their assessment, and based on everything they have on their files regarding Usazawa, they have given a provisional go-ahead for the whole thing. Apparently there’s nothing negative about Usazawa in their files…or perhaps their assessment of Mopey’s base chance of romantic success is so low that they feel that no potential match can be disregarded…
More on Thursday.