Slight Bump in the Road – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 40

“I’m happy but disappointed that this worked.” is basically the motto of a pragmatic leader, and Gregory reveals himself as such with words to that effect – which also shows how quickly he has adapted to a role that he only owes to his weak bladder.

But he has not time to delve on his mixed feelings regarding the bat-signal stunt, or the potential trouble they are going to get into for that…for he has a much more momentous pressing matter to deal with: finally revealing what shocking bit of information he had received from Mori-senpai in the course of that fateful meeting in the student council room.

And it is shocking, indeed, if not possible the most surprising swerve ever: Our friends are required to take part in a sports event! Curse their carefree approach of taking over and repurposing a pre-existing, abandoned club! Now they’ve really done it! And..uh…Gosh-Golly! Ah well, I’m not good at writing this sort of pretend-shocked copy…

The ambiguity regarding the event’s name only makes their quandary…uh…more quandaric? Normally you would want to look into the nature of such an event carefully before committing yourself to taking part, and one of the first steps in the associated research process would involve finding out whether it is called “Prefectural High School Tournament” or “World War Death”. I mean, one of those names is clearly much more ominous than the other one… …which one that is for you would naturally depend on your personal experiences with warfare and/or high school sports. >_>

More on Thursday.

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