And here K’ip rejoins the others to lay out his approach to the issues of scramming and grades: he’s also absolutely not concerned, since he’s too cute and cat-like to receive bad marks. Again, I will reserve judgement as to whether this approach is smarter than being smart, and how to precisely rank the three different approaches taken. The important thing is that all three of them work, so we can ignore the issue of exams and grades completely.
K’ip isn’t necessarily always present when the group is assembled…he might be there one moment, and the next moment he’s gone, without anybody noticing. And nobody knowing why. It comes with the cat genes. When you’re talking to him, he might disappear in the middle of a sentence…in the middle of one of his sentences. So the team needed to find a way to make him appear when he’s needed – and the big lap was an obvious approach. It’s soft, spacious enough for a human-sized cat, and equipped with an internal heating system – and for cases of extreme urgency, it also has a catnip diffusor and a can-opener integrated. If even that fails to attract K’ip, it can be safely assumed he’s been run over by a car. >_>
More on Monday.