Now that the reasons for the group’s attendance of a Japanese high school have been explained, they can move ahead to planning their high school life…even if there is no reason why they should have waited with doing this until after the flashback, actually.
But progress is rapid, anyway – the central issue of high school attendance is quickly and thoroughly disposed of: None of them will have to concern themselves in any form with the actual process of learning or getting graded on it. Particularly not the kind of desperate scramming that’s usually associated with the Japanese high school setting. They’re all much too smart for it…although Snuka is too smart for it in a distinctly different way than the others.
The Professor has already done more learning than all of the other students and the faculty of this high shool combined in his life, Mopey isn’t close to that but still way ahead of the curve, Biff has been catching up rapidly since he became smart…and Gregory, as Snuka points out, is quite smart as well. Although in this case doubts can linger as to how he acquired those smarts. But he hasn’t eaten any brains in a long while, so I’ll side with the idea that the source of his smarts is internal. Especially since he wasn’t really at his smartest when he was at his brain-eatiest.
Snuka brings a different interpretation of smart to the issue, but the result is the same: he doesn’t have to bother with scramming. There’s some discussion to be had whether his approach is actually smarter than the authentically smart one of the others…but I’ll reserve judgement on that. We report, you decide, and all that…
More on Thursday.
“Nothing is impossible for the person who doesn’t have to do it him/herself.” – military proverb
I’ve always felt that Snuka shares some character traits with Sgt. Bilko, anyway… XD