Oh. Looks like Mopey is counting the twins as one person. ._. I’m not sure whether that assessment is DNA-based, or results from some hidden bias against twins on Mopey’s part, possibly caused by some kind of traumatic encounter earlier in her life…or the traumatic encounters involving certain twins more recently.
Anyway, the important thing is that she confirms that everyone is there. And she’s even using a calculator for added scientific accuracy. There’s an inherent inaccuracy involved with finger-counting, you see, since you can’t be sure how many fingers you even have until you count them first. And if you count your fingers without using finger-counting, you’re really just transposing the accuracy problem you’re trying to solve with finger-counting to an earlier step in the process, so you gain nothing. And if you do employ finger-counting to count your fingers, you have a problem with circular logic – since you’re really only proving that you have as many fingers as you have, and not how many that is. ._. There’s no way around it, the only sound way to count the team is with the calculator.
As commendable at Mopey’s scientific rigor is, however, it’s obviously not quite enough to forestall crushing feelings of inadequacy in living up to the Professor’s legacy.
Fortunately, the Professor(?) is apparently not about to exploit that issue to gain a decisive advantage in their confrontation. Nor does he seem to be about to employ the Berzerk rage ability that comes with his Barbarian class to best Mopey in a contest of the brutest of brute force.
So what is he going to do? For reasons of gratuitous tension building, he’s not telling until Thursday.
I choose to accept the finger-counting-fallacy as the reason predators (of the Aliens Vs. Predators franchise) have a base-9 counting system. When you have a society that promotes hunting deadly prey, you want to be careful about your researchers and academics designing logic systems based on having all your body parts intact.
It’s probably also the reason why pirates frequently got into fights when it came to dividing up the plunder…Captain Hook used a base-6 counting system while his crews used a base-10. XD
I see you shiver with antici….
I’ll give you some time on that. XD
Ok, I’m giving 50/50 odds that either this is really the Professor, whose actor talked the filmmakers into paying for a cameo of his, or that this is just a sentient version of Mopey’s worst nightmares who are smart enough to realize that their existence is defined by hers, and therefore that attacking or killing her would be the WORST thing for them to do.
It’s actually option one…but your proposed option two would probably have worked better, had it occurred to me. It didn’t have much of a chance of occurring to me, though, since I try to avoid speculating or thinking about the contents of Mopey’s nightmares…frankly, I wouldn’t want to know. XD