Melty Sultan – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 68

Yeah, I’ve already admitted that this particular method of defeating chaos is way of a stretch.

But apparently it’s so much of a stretch that even Latho can’t believe it – and that’s saying something, given all the things that thing has seen before.

A quick check-back with HRH Azatoth confirms it, though. Azatoth himself is left wondering who would have thought that something like that could happen, but he’s offering no potential avenue of escape from the fact that it did happen. At most, he’s paying some sort of homage to how much of a stretch this is by looking rather stretched himself. (That panel actually turned out looking more gruesome than I was really going for…)

The final panel confirms that Latho is now fully accepting of this new reality. Not appreciative, but accepting. I think that’s what that facial expression transports.

Irrelevant side-note: I caught a typo in the dialogue just before uploading this episode: I had originally written “hockey advice” instead of “hokey advice”. That would actually have made even less sense, hard to believe as that is.

More on Monday.

2 Replies to “Melty Sultan – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 68”

  1. I would have just accepted “hockey advice” as some sort of Japanada term/slang.

    1. Fortunately I’m not J.R.R. Tolkien, so I don’t really bother to come up with detailed languages/dialects for my fictional places. XD

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