Two to Toulouse – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 70

Perhaps I spoke too soon – seems like Latho is actually capable of adding an element of visual interest even to such a mundane task as typing on a cellphone.

And it’s not only visually more interesting, the added appendages actually speed up the task, as well. Although I’m not sure you can call that a win-win, because the functional improvement is undeniably positive, while the visual change…well, it’s clearly interesting, but whether you consider it an improvement as such depends on your preferences. Which, probably, have to be a little bit idiosyncratic to like the tentacles-added look more than the original one.

I’m not judging, though, for the very reason Latho also points out: tentacle tolerance varies wildly between people. He careful observes reactions as he reveals more, and it seems like two is the maximum he can sport without drawing undue attention or criticism. Which does seem fair, I guess? I mean, two tentacles isn’t a lot for an octopus*, but it’s two more than most humanoids have on a good day.** You might wonder why the team even accepts two tentacles that easily…but, you know, they’ve seen a lot.

While those two tentacles don’t speed the process up quite as much as eight might have, it should still be a welcome speed enhancement/time saving thing…

More on Monday.

* Standard Disclaimer that I know that those are, technically, arms and not tentacles – I just go with the colloquial equivalency of those two things out of convenience.

** Latho isn’t really having a good day, of course, but you know what I mean…

4 Replies to “Two to Toulouse – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 70”

  1. I did not know that about octopi! Also turns out the eye stalks on snails are considered tentacles and the star part of a star-nosed mole are considered tentacles too! The more you know!

    1. Those two extra factoids are news to be, as well – but make sure not to tell them to any Japanese fan-artists, you might give them the wrong ideas.
      …I mean, even wronger ideas… XD

  2. Add a few thousand more tentacles and you’ll have almost as many fake posts as a “trending” Twitter/Instagram/Tiktok account.

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