Oh Joyous Day As Chaos Holds Sway – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 72

In spite of Snuka’s best efforts, the inevitable happens: Latho is allowed to conclude his actions in peace and the effects are pretty immediate.

Chaos reigns supreme again! Or at the very least, it’s back, baby! As clearly (I hope) illustrated by two facts, or even three:

– The glitching on the surface of the map app is back, essentially reversing the apparent progress Mopey demonstrated with the same interface in a flashback a while earlier.*

– Azatoth is also back in shape…his original shape, that is, not any good shape. But a definite improvement over his melted condition from just before. I wonder how he did that, does he have a Azatoth-shaped mold lying around somewhere?

– Latho’s facial expression indicates satisfaction with the situation. Gone are panic and dismay, replaced by evil, leering smugness. A pretty look! Pretty representative for his character, that is, not pretty as such. >_>

So what did he actually do to bring about this stunning reversal? In case you haven’t guessed it yet, you’ll have to wait a little while longer for the reveal, I’m afraid – now that he’s back on top, he’s the guy with enough time to be wasted by gloating again…

More on Monday.

* And panel three would seem to indicate that the positions of our heroes had also reverted to those they held at that point in time…rather than showing them all being at the Heart of Chaos (Public Bathhouse), as they actually are. But I caught that mistake only a while after doing this strip, and then decided that this constituted a realistic B-movie production oversight, and so shouldn’t be corrected. Especially since I then realized that the whole thing didn’t make sense from the get-go, for why would the team even share their coordinates with Latho?**

** Unless they simply forgot to change that after Latho’s face-heel-turn, but let’s not overly complicate matters. =P

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