Unspeakable On A Massive Scale – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 75

As is becoming obvious, the twins weren’t able to stop thinking about that. Which doesn’t come as a major surprise, since this has been a bit of an issue for them the whole time, really. >_>

Consciously not thinking about something is hard to begin with, given the inherent contradiction…but suppressing a thought that has been your constant companion and comfort since your youth is yet another level of difficulty on top of that. So…perhaps we shouldn’t really blame the twins for this outcome. Although I’m not the boss of you, so if you feel you have to blame them as a matter of principle, go right ahead. It all depends on what you personally think about that, I guess. >_>

Anyway, Latho delivers on his threat and obediently transform into that. And on a giant scale, too! Hard to say if he resents the twins’ choice or not, but apparently it works well enough for him – otherwise, I’m quite sure, he’d simply gone back on his word. Villains get to do that, after all.

Naturally, that can’t actually be depicted here, so the good old censorship bar gets to play its largest role yet. And does so with gusto, I have to add! Man, I’m really getting my money’s worth out of that thing in this chapter. I really don’t know what I’d be doing without it.

Without clear visuals, the audience has to rely on their imagination and on Mopey’s exposition…with the latter being not terribly helpful, admittedly. She does her best, of course…but describing things that are, per definition, indescribable is naturally very difficult. Add to that the fact that Nyarlathotep favors sporting indescribable shapes as a matter of habit, and Mopey is stuck with the unenviable task to try and differentiate between two different things without being able to describe either one.

More on Thursday.

2 Replies to “Unspeakable On A Massive Scale – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 75”

    1. Yeah, Latho doesn’t mind being a bit cheesy at times, but he likely wouldn’t enjoy being completely cheesy. XD

      Fortunately for Latho, Snuka has gotten pretty good at clearing his mind of all thoughts involving Gouda, because he wouldn’t be able to find any sleep at night otherwise…

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