Nowhere, Revisited – Chapter 8 Epilogue, Strip 8

While we’re on the subject of chocolate…the actor who cameoed as Wolfram von Bielefelt isn’t the sweetest person you could ever meet.

Well, I figured that if Vijic Vuvkov is already that much of a pain behind the scenes, this guy must have been even more so. For simple dual reasons: Firstly he looks the part of the stuck-up diva even more so than Vijic, and secondly he plays Wolfram, whose personality would inevitably have rubbed off on the actor over time. So he must have been a royal pain to deal with…or at least a ducal pain, or whatever Wolfram’s rank in the demonic peerage is.

That also gave me the opportunity to put a darker spin on the mystery of Bielefeld, the non-existing town. It’s undeniable that it doesn’t exist, but that doesn’t have to mean that it never existed in the first place…perhaps it existed at one point, but met with some terrible fate that erased it from existence?

Wolfram’s personality would be legitimate cause to wipe out a city, wouldn’t it? >_>

More on Thursday.

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