Revenge of the Fourth Wall – Chapter 9, Prologue, Strip 4

Oh dear, seems somebody was a bit cross about Snuka breaking the fourth wall so early and unabashedly – and thus made sure that his cynical meta-prediction did not come true.

Harsh. You might think that being driven to the door of death shouldn’t be much traumatic for Snuka, given the frequency with which that happens to him – but there’s a hitch: when he comes close to dying his whole life starts to flash before his eyes, and having to remember all of the disasters, disappointments and the many, many humiliations is a torment even for him. And the Gouda, of course. Never can forget the Gouda, even when he’s far from death…or, well, not that close at least. And it helps little that the happy moments he has had in his life also flash before his eyes in these moments. His memories of those moments are quite vivid, but, well, there were only two of them…

Still, once he has recovered from his trip down memory lane, and his immeasurable exhaustion, he might get another semi-happy moment…since the kind of ultra-modern, top-notch laboratory he’s managed to built upon the ruins of the old one is something he could feel legitimately proud of, a little bit. Even Mopey is happy! And her happy moments are nearly as rare as Snuka’s, although in her case it’s out of conviction, rather than due to being hated by existence. (Even more astounding, Mopey seems do be displaying clear signs of love – even though she’s vowed to herself she would never again experience something like that, after all that has happened in the last chapter. But I guess it’s okay when it’s directed at something non-sentient.)

More on Thursday.

4 Replies to “Revenge of the Fourth Wall – Chapter 9, Prologue, Strip 4”

  1. At least they had enough courtesy to let Snuka change out of his (undoubtedly) wet clothes and into something dry for this scene between establishing shots. Might need to redo his highlights if that was important for his character though.

    1. Naw, Snuka’s clothes don’t get wet in that sort of situation. He does sweat a lot, of course, but it evaporates immediately from the excess heat of his impossibly-fast muscular activity. When he has to do so much work in so little time, he basically turns into a blur shrouded in fog. XD

      And, yeah, I forgot to do the highlights when I drew this one, and the next strips…and once I realized that later, I just decided to drop them in general. They weren’t really important for his character, and a bit later in the plot he would have had to get rid of them, anyway.

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