Another Runner in the Night – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 36

Well, this just doesn’t seem to be Gregory’s day. He went through a sparkly ordeal that left him with a (hopefully only temporal) vision impairment and learned a crucial bit of disturbing news. And now he gets mobbed by rabid fangirls before he even gets the chance to share those disturbing news which would be so utterly plot-relevant to share.

And those aren’t even fangirls of his own, they are Mori-senpai’s fangirls – so he undergoes his newest ordeal on behalf of the person that put him through the preceding one.

Plus we don’t have any sort of indication that anything particularly bad is happening to Snuka at the same time. So Gregory doesn’t only have a bad day, he has a worse day than Snuka – and that’s really, really rare for anybody.

Given just how unfortunate this unfortunate series of events is, I can only hope I don’t get sued by Gatorade for the way I depicted the potential consequences of partaking in their product.

More on Thursday.

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