Anti-Romance Aerial Maneuver – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 2

In real life, there probably aren’t too many situations where ‘going across the rooftops’ gets you to your objective faster than using the street (or public transport). Admittedly, those few situations are probably really exciting ones, so it makes sense that they arise in fiction a whole lot more often.

And Snuka is well placed to avail himself of such opportunities with his well-established ninja credentials. Was he wearing his ninja suit underneath his school uniform, was it in his pocket in a super-cleverly folded state or did he pull it out of his own personal pocket dimension? I can’t make up my mind on that, but there’s some way in which he has permanent and ready access to it, simply because that’s the way it should be. Of course, that privilege is revoked immediately in those rare cases where the plot requires him not to have access to it – and for such occasions I reserve the right to point out how inexplicable such access would actually be.

Anyway, Snuka’s decision to use the rooftop route seems pretty clever at first glance, and it probably actually is – but the universe hates him, so naturally he runs into exactly the problem he was trying to avoid. Even if that takes the statistically improbably presence of a rare female ninja at the same time and place…and a lack of situational awareness on both of their parts. Even if Ninja are supposed to have a lot of that.

Fortunately, Kunoichi tend to shy away from romance when they are on the job, so Snuka might still have managed to avoid romance in spite of the circumstances. He might be able to get away with nothing more than the inevitable painful consequences of a full-speed, mid-air collision and the following fall from rooftop-height. And that’s pretty trivial, by his standards.

More on Thursday.

2 Replies to “Anti-Romance Aerial Maneuver – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 2”

  1. How would you bump into highly visible pink ninja? Are you colorblind?

    P.S.: I’m glad the crew is re-using a costume from Dr. Dutchman Fu movie.

    1. Fun fact: the British Long Range Desert Group of WWII used pink as the camouflage color on their vehicles since they felt it was a good compromise between the camouflage requirements for sand and rocks, respectively.

      But since this female ninja is in an urban environment, she obviously chose the color not because it’s good camouflage…but because her ninja skills are so advanced that she’s nearly invisible irrespective of the outfit. The same goes for Snuka, of course, and that’s how the collision happened. XD

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