Magnificent Seven – Chapter 9, Act 2, Strip 2

Marumaru may have never taken his responsibilities as a teacher all that seriously, and is a pretty mellow character in general…but he’s still had his fair share of kids telling him transparent lies, and he’s learned that the best approach to it is often not to press the point. Whether there is a PBDC or not, at least there’s now one detective more on the case, bringing the total to two. That’s an increase of 100%, which can’t be bad.

And the new kid immediately makes a startling discovery, and even knows right away what to make of it. Marumaru might have been stupefied by the odd logo on the inside of Snuka’s abandoned shoe, but the Bratessor knows what that is about. Whenever they aren’t busy pretending not to exist, the seven secret clubs of Yuri Shinkai Gakuen actually get along pretty well…there’s a bit of a professional rivalry between the Smart Boy Detective Club and the Pretty Boy Detective Club, of course, and the Petty Thief Delinquent Club would be happier if those two clubs would do rather less detecting than they do…but by and large the seven clubs know of each other and maintain at least civil relations.

And of course it’s no surprise that Snuka would be a member of the PTDC. He joined the Greater Cairo Street Urchin Guild at a very young age (and with only a small bit of arm twisting involved*), and that membership automatically passports to membership of any local thieves guild, mafia, criminal labor union active in whatever region he currently is in. Not a bad deal for 50% of his life income and a only single kidney.

More on Monday.

*The twisting was pretty heavy, actually, but the arm was still very small.