Since it has already been established that Tokyo and New York exist still or again, it’s time to establish the same for the third of the “Big Three” cities: Lillytown, Manitoba, Canada. As for all of the other cities of the world…well, they’re irrelevant to begin with, but they can be readily assumed to also (re-)exist, in view of this.
As per usual, the camera wends its way toward Lillytown from a point above the Everred Forest outside of the city. As you can see, I’ve upgraded the Everred Forest model for the occasion – the trees are looking a lot more natural than in the old model.
The depiction of the city still sucks, though. It’s got a few more buildings, but it’s still a pretty basic model of a city…and the University building looks nothing like it did before. Boy, if I hadn’t the “B-movie budget” card to play*, I’d never get away with this sort of shit.
So, with the existence of the Big Three cities re-established, and of all other cities of the World by extension***, we can finally approach the issue of what actually happened to the protagonists…
More on Monday.
* Which is the card I’m constantly playing. In fact, I’m relying on a single card so much, I’m almost feeling like I’m Seto Kaiba.** =P
** OK, Joey Wheeler. Kaiba actually does have a bit of tactical variety…
*** Don’t ask about the rural areas. Nobody does. >_>