Barely Recognizable – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 106

Since it has already been established that Tokyo and New York exist still or again, it’s time to establish the same for the third of the “Big Three” cities: Lillytown, Manitoba, Canada. As for all of the other cities of the world…well, they’re irrelevant to begin with, but they can be readily assumed to also (re-)exist, in view of this.

As per usual, the camera wends its way toward Lillytown from a point above the Everred Forest outside of the city. As you can see, I’ve upgraded the Everred Forest model for the occasion – the trees are looking a lot more natural than in the old model.

The depiction of the city still sucks, though. It’s got a few more buildings, but it’s still a pretty basic model of a city…and the University building looks nothing like it did before. Boy, if I hadn’t the “B-movie budget” card to play*, I’d never get away with this sort of shit.

So, with the existence of the Big Three cities re-established, and of all other cities of the World by extension***, we can finally approach the issue of what actually happened to the protagonists…

More on Monday.

* Which is the card I’m constantly playing. In fact, I’m relying on a single card so much, I’m almost feeling like I’m Seto Kaiba.** =P
** OK, Joey Wheeler. Kaiba actually does have a bit of tactical variety…
*** Don’t ask about the rural areas. Nobody does. >_>

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