Cat on a Hot Tin Roof – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 7

Yeah, it wasn’t hard coming up with a title for this strip…otherwise I would have half-assed it, as usual.

So our friends have made it up to the roof, and K’ip/Kippu-kun is still acting in stereotypically cat-like ways. Those things about nap-attacks and sunny spots being so well-known cat stereotypes that neither Snuka nor the Professor are surprised about it. The Professor, of course, shouldn’t be surprised about anything concerning K’ip, given the long time they’ve spent together – but since most of that happened off-screen, he’s still as surprisable as Snuka in that regard, since off-screen happenings aren’t real.

As for letting K’ip just lying out there in the glaring sun…uh, either they both understand cat guy physiology enough to know he’ll be okay, or they’re both callous enough to simply assume that. Your choice. And once again, the much deeper friendship that the Professor should feel for K’ip doesn’t really enter the equation, since it happened off-screen.

More on Monday.

2 Replies to “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 7”

  1. What about the Professor understands cat-guy physiology enough and Snuka is callous enough to simply assume?

    1. Hmm, I guess the Professor would understand a lot about cat-guy physiology…he’s traveled with K’ip for a long time, and is just too scientifically minded not to use the opportunity to test and experiment until he knew how cat-guys work (poor K’ip…).

      But I think that Snuka wouldn’t be that callous…his outward criminal tendencies contractually oblige him to have a heart of gold. And be appropriately embarrassed about it whenever the subject comes up… XD

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