Different strokes for different folks – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 90

Gregory and Biff are joining the assault together, just like the twins…but, fortunately, a different kind of together. I think. After all, I’m not entirely sure what the twins are doing all the time, actually…and I also don’t know what happened between Biff and Gregory after the Valentine’s Day episode. But I digress. …which, I guess, is not unheard of, in my case.

The reason for mixing together Biff’s and Gregory’s attacks is just that I think the contrast between them makes them more interesting than either one would have been on it’s own. Biff’s form of attack is artistic, metaphorical and at least middle-brow…while Gregory’s has the undeniable charm of something that’s completely down-to-earth and unadulterated. If you’re suffering from a hangover, of course, neither of the two styles of sound involved will really be music to your ears…but, fortunately, this medium only allows for writing out sound effects. And neither any of the heroes nor Latho is suffering from a hangover…althoug, inevitably, one of the parties involved is likely to feel like that after this final confrontation.

While “show, don’t tell” is a good rule for this medium (and one I break far too frequently), in this case I’ll just tell you what I failed to show: Latho is still gradually growing as the attacks continue.

More on Monday.