Growing Pains – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 88

Ira furor brevis est, as I’ve already quoted Horace as remarking. And Mopey doesn’t really disprove him here, but she provides an important corollary: While you can’t keep a furious rage going beyond the point of physical exhaustion, all you need to do is taking a short break every now and then, and you can rage on and on. Since Mopey’s reserves of physical strength, if not inconsiderable, are vastly more limited than her humongous reserves of pent-up rage and frustration, she needs to pace herself if she is to ever getting near to exhausting the latter.

One could wonder, of course, why Mopey has such reserves of pent-up anger and frustration at all, given how she never really seems to restrain her anger all that much even on a good day. The answer is that the fonts of her anger and frustration never run dry. Were she to go to bed after having exhausted her rage to the last drop – the moment she wakes up the next morning, and notices that the World is still there, and is still the way it is, her pools of fury immediately refill to the brim. It’s a matter of perspective, really. I know that’s hard to understand…I’ve tried to explain it to people around me so often…>_>

What I can unequivocally support, however, is Mopey’s suspicion that Latho/Censorship Bar is currently growing. Just look at the last two panels for confirmation. I’m pretty sure that the bar is just a little bit larger in the final panel. And I can be sure, because I used the scaling tool to make it so. >_>

More on Monday.