Bar None – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 87

So the twins are going for it, after all.

Not that that’s too much of a surprise, if you think about it. Even recognized megafactors like hell and high water have a very, very poor record of stopping the twins from going for something they’ve set their minds* on. The Queen has an even slightly worse one and no one else is even in the competition.

But what was the main enabler of this turn of events was the fact that I thought of a way to visually represent this new level of (mis)behavior, and it was actually quite easy. There was no way of foregoing the use of censorship bars – I could never have exposed my audience to the sight of this, even leaving aside the question of whether I would have even be able to draw such a scene. So how to reflect the fact that these censorship bars would be covering something that’s categorically different from what censorship bars had covered before? Well, just switch to a different brand of censorship bar. Surprsingly simple, actually, but it still took me a while to realize.

Disclaimer: the BMC takes no position on matters of candy preference. The implied superiority of a Cadbury bar over a Snickers is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to candy bars living or deceased is coincidental. >_>

I drew this strip back in March, by the way, so the Barbie background doesn’t have anything to do with the Barbie movie…back then it just appeared to me as a particularly suitable background for this sort of discussion between these two guys…

More on Thursday.

*Or perhaps mind, singular. Sometimes I’m not sure…