Ah well, that’s a relief. So Mopey wasn’t going for a self-sacrificial run, after all – but her trademark other-sacrificial charge, instead. Disregarding the ethical aspects, I think it suits her much better, anyway.
As for “Violence II”…I’m not sure what precisely sets it apart from the original. I wouldn’t be surprised, though, if it was simply more violent. >_> I mean…violence was a part of the human experience since the start…and a part of proto-human experience before that…and of pre-human experience before that…and…you catch my drift. So, obviously very, very old. Time for a re-boot? I guess so…but here’s the rub: how do you improve on something which this kind of installed user base and all of the benefits accrued over millennia of practical experience?
And that’s why I think Mopey’s new product will simply be more of the same, just re-branded and delivered with some extra buzz. >_> No telling how the market will react. After all, in the blind taste-test before launch, everyone liked ‘New Coke’…
More on Monday.