Blunt Metaphor – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 81

So this is where Mopey hits rock bottom…and then gets back up again, because that’s what the plot demands. (Both of those things).

I wasn’t sure how to illustrate rock bottom…I tried googling, but while that taught me a few things I didn’t yet know about Rock Hudson, it didn’t really help with inspiration (for this purpose, at least). But dreary ruins should be close enough in mood to fit the bill, so that’s what I ultimately went for.

Mopey’s phrase in the final panel is slightly off-target, but that’s just because she isn’t really great with stabbing or piercing weapons. Blunt weapons are more her style. The blunter, the better. Without a spear you can’t really pierce the Heavens of course…and bludgeoning the Heavens doesn’t really sound right. But it does sound very Mopey!

Anyway, she picked herself up, put at what price? Does she have a plan? I she setting out on a self-sacrifical run? Has she just completely lost it now? Well, more on Thursday.