Censorception Outtake – Chapter 8 Epilogue, Strip 10

Well, after a chapter like this I could hardly have done a series of outtakes without featuring at least a single case of censorship fail, could I? After all, censorship featured so prominently in this chapter, it almost would have received guest star billing.*

That gave rise to a technical problem, though – if censorship fails, but censorship isn’t allowed to fail, quis censebit ipsos censores? After all, placing a full censorship bar over the excessively form-hugging one wouldn’t have really worked on a strictly visual level. Hence the mosaic censorship on top of the bar-type censorship. I hope it’s still possible to make out. Or perhaps I have to hope it isn’t? At this point I’m too confused myself to even say. ._.

As for George painting d*cks, I wasn’t trying to imply that that’s something he does with great regularity or as some kind of official hobby. It’s more like that it’s just something that you’ll end up doing at some point or other if you have the kind of bizarrely winding career path that George has had. Or, the other way round: the need for something like that might arise, if only under rare and unusual circumstances, and then George would be the natural target for this task to wind its way toward. Because it’s not a painful task, it couldn’t very well wind its way toward Lee Douglas, or could it?

More on Thursday.

* I promise it will only play a very minor, if any, role in the next chapter.

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