Common Distractor – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 17

Mopey, meanwhile, has to deal with something along the lines of unwanted attention, as well.

Said attention doesn’t quite reach the same level as in K’ip’s case, but to her it’s still a new and somewhat distressing experience. After all, the first time she went through being a teenager, people weren’t exactly swarming around her.

That’s not to say that she doesn’t enjoy having friends…although it’s also not to say that she does. We’ll leave that question for later, but for the moment Mopey is only trying to get away from her besties in order to reach the club room, where K’ip and Gregory are also headed.

Fortunately, she can draw on her old ninja training and wrap her jacket around a log, creating a completely convincing copy of herself – which will stop Akane and Megumi from ever realizing she is gone. It might seem like a stretch, but it will work…which you can put down to any (or all) of the following reasons, at your preference:

– it’s simply just an artistic convention used in an ironic fashion

– Professor Ninjanoupolous was just that awesome a teacher

– Mopey is just that boring to hang out with >_>

More on Monday.

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