As Obi Wan would have put it (having learned it from his own master): There is always a denser patch of jungle.
And the team should keep that in mind…if only because thinking of Obi Wan will remind them how much worse their situation could be. No matter how unhappy they are with their current coach, if they would have had to fall back on any of the names near the bottom of their (s)hitlist, they would be just so much more unhappy right now. Count your blessings! Or, well, count your minor curses…
If you think about it, Marumaru didn’t actually do a half-bad job here…it would have been faster if he was able to walk in a straight line, and a lot more dignified, but he did manage to get permission for the use of the cricket field. Permission to use the cricket field sounds like a pretty useful thing for a cricket club.
The actual state of the cricket field can hardly be blamed on Marumaru, after all. It could be blamed on the principal, but the principal is smart enough to stay off-screen…which is the very same tactic employed by many real-life high-school principals to avoid blame for all of the things that are amiss with their schools. Truth in Television!
More on Monday.
In fairness, this is more use out of Marumaru than I thought they’d get out of him. At least this early. And it technically benefits him as well.
Well played.
Yeah, I wouldn’t expect any kind of altruistic behavior out of Marumaru, but he’s quite willing to do something that benefits others as long as it benefits him as well. The classic cynical anti-hero, once thought of as being a terrible example for children.
Of course in a world where more and more people are willing to do things that hurt themselves, as long as it hurts groups they dislike worse…that older mode of selfishness looks positively saintly…