Well, it was inevitable that Biff wouldn’t be able to keep up with Snuka’s pace, as far as escalation is concerned – carrying the Death Star on your back is pretty hard to beat in that regard.
But escalate he must…and at first, the night-vision gear displayed in panel three was supposed to be the endpoint of that. It does make a lot of sense, after all, if you’re thinking along the lines of a power escalation in the realm of eye-wear. Plus, it kinda looks cool. But still, I wasn’t really satisfied with that, and kept looking for some alternative eye-wear that could be considered more powerful…giving up on the concept of “making sense” in the process. (Which wasn’t painful, since I do it so frequently.)
I was considering an eye patch, which is known to be highly empowering for pirates as well as Wotan/Odin. Even if a loss of depth perception should actually count as being disempowering, I guess…
Another candidate were shades. Really cool shades, of course. But it didn’t take a lot of research to find out that they don’t exist. And probably never actually existed in the past. My youthful conviction that there is something like cool shades was, obviously, just me being dumber back then. >_>
So then I went with the third candidate, Sir Elton’s glasses…you can dispute whether they’re fashionable, but their power can hardly be denied, seeing how far they got the guy. And I guess Biff might enjoy seeing the world through rose-colored glasses for a while? After all, the world he’s currently facing isn’t that great to look at, so a slight tint might be a marked improvement. It might also make up, in part, for Biff’s loos of naivete that came with his intellectual upgrade…
More on Monday.
I’ll assume that the glasses make him better at musical numbers?
That’s a given…and a pretty low threshold, actually. Sine his old meta was “athletic” and the new one is “scientific”, he likely isn’t, and never was, particularly good at singing. XD
(Woah, been a while since I was here in the comments!)
I enjoy how Biff continues to harness his general science powers through glasses. Also – seeing the return of McKenzie and Lightning Blue from Chapter 2? Beautiful stuff, I picked the right time to come back and catch back up. Looking forward to Mopey just beating someone to death, too – she’s fiiiine. There won’t be any long term effects on her sanity. It’s fiiiiiiiiiine.
Well, you sure wouldn’t want to run around with a damaged sanity…so, if you can’t patch it up, why not just get rid of the whole thing? XD
And, yeah…I don’t think Captain Father McKenzie and El Lightning Blue would make make effective regulars, so I don’t want to feature them in every chapter. But a little cameo, at least, is a must. On general principle, and just to keep them around for potential future use.
But what if you wear your sunglasses at night?
That can give you a lot of power, but only if you’re on a mission from God and also have a full tank and half pack of cigarettes.