OK, OK…so this is the third time in a row that I’m going to say: “With this, Mopey’s return to her old self is complete”…but this time, I really mean it.
It’s just that I really had forgotten about her most characteristic and enduring personality trait: her ability to conjure giant wooden (or sometimes even metal) mallets/hammers out of thin air (or some personal pocket dimension of hers).
Showing this ability restored is not pointless, since it proves that she has, indeed, reconnected to the mythical font of spiritual Mopeyhood which I suspect to be located in some lightless spot under the deepest roots of the oldest mountains, right next to (but not directly connected with) the upper lawyers of hell*.
And there’s another point to it, which is just being a character moment. There just wasn’t any way she was not going to try to do this at the very earliest opportunity…any lingering doubts in her mind regarding her ability to do this would have weighed so heavily on her that it just wouldn’t have been bearable.
Plus, the Thor thing… >_>
More on Monday.
*Not a typo. Since there are so many lawyers in hell (essentially all of them, plus a lot of people who only thought about becoming a lawyer), they’re spread out over every layer of hell – even if, rightfully, they should be concentrated on the worst one. Therefore you can use “layers of hell” and “lawyers of hell” interchangeably, since the upper lawyers of hell will be on the upper layers of hell. =P
Is that a mallet or a barrel on a stick? The fact I’m not 100% certain gave me an idea for improvisation from the props department.
The funny thing is, this is a case of reality imitating fiction. Due to time constraints, I did create that hammer by taking a model of a barrel and adding a handle to it. Which isn’t a terribly great solution…but that kinda makes it okay, because it mimics the kind of not-terribly-great solution which George Geekish might have come up with. XD
“And we have to go!”
The quote would make a lot of sense in this context, but Mopey would go ballistic if anybody else even tried to touch her Hammer. XD
Was that hammer referenced before? With 8 movies of content, I could forget some minor details.
Not this hammer, specifically, but Mopey’s ability to materialize a hammer at will/whenever the situation called for it, was demonstrated and discussed early on – I think in chapter one or two. It got less prominent in the later chapters, but it did show up every now and then.
Basically, it consciously invoked the concept of hammerspace.