And they are off…and as they head off into the chaos, necessarily the chaos also seeps into them. D=
But, yeah, I skipped over Gregory picking his weapon of choice, simply because it was so obvious and predictable. He and Mopey are the two members of the team who basically have signature weapons – trusty companions in violence that have been associated with their characters from early on, and are associated with them on a higher level. Gregory is an ex-zombie, after all, and no other makeshift weapon holds quite the same rank in that genre as the chainsaw does. Admittedly, it’s more often used by the zombie-opponents than by one of the zombies, but still…
As for the visuals of creeping chaos…I guess it works, but I wouldn’t call it self-apparent. Which is odd. Which all of the chaos you’ve seen creeping around those last few years, you’d expect to have a much clearer visual idea of it…but somehow it remains mostly amorphous, which is of course not totally unjustified in itself.
And the sound of creeping chaos is even vaguer an idea…which makes for yet another moment where I’m happy that my medium doesn’t require me to specify sounds. Just another thing I can push on the poor, innocent reader.
More on Thursday.