As you can see, the little modesty crisis that had broken out at the end of last Thursday’s strip has been dealt with in an elegant fashion – rather than trying to contest Mopey’s presence in that part of the bathhouse, a new refugium-inside-a-refugium was created to allow for safe retreat and preservation of modesty. Bamboo, as you know, is stereotypically abundant in Japan, and the Japanese are stereotypically talented into quickly fashioning all kinds of constructs from that versatile material…unless, of course, we’re still in Canada, and these people are still Canadians, in which case bamboo, as you know, is stereotypically abundant in Canada, and the Canadian are stereotypically talented into quickly fashioning all kinds of constructs from that versatile material…unless, of course, the setting has reverted back to the US due to the change in administration, which would make the protagonists US-Americans again, in which case bamboo, as you know, is stereotypically abundant in the US, and the US-Americans are stereotypically talented into quickly fashioning all kinds of constructs from that versatile material. Which is only to say: simple bamboo constructions require no particular justification within a B-movie. Audience will likely accept the possibility of creating something like that anywhere and quickly without thinking about the specifics too deeply. Mostly because they’ve never attempted it themselves. >_>
Mopey doesn’t seem terribly bothered by such questions, as well, and instead carries on with the task of exposition, in this case via flashback. In this way, she reveals the most astounding transformation which happened to their vanquished foe after his ultimate defeat…well, I mean it would be astounding in the context of any other genre. In the magical girl genre, this was only to be expected, of course, with little room for variation: the transformation victim could have been from their class, instead of the parallel class, or even a class higher or lower under exceptional circumstances. It was also not inevitable that the transformed person was the exact opposite of his monstrous transformation…he might have been only mostly the opposite, instead. So it’s still a good thing we discussed the matter. >_>
More on Thursday.
“Lost 95% of his body weight” is called The Communist Diet.
I’m sure starving poor in USA will be glad to finally learn what it’s called.
So this movie was filmed after Nolan fell asleep in front of a 3-day marathon of magical girl shows, then.
Probably – which would still make it the most well-researched movie Nolan has ever produced, anyway. XD